
EMDR Therapist in San Francisco Bay Area California


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is an evidence-based mode of therapy that is very successful in helping people who suffer from trauma. It also helps treat anxiety, panic, depression, and many other emotional issues. Compared to traditional talk therapy, EMDR brings relatively quick relief for most people.

The EMDR technique uses a natural function of the body, rapid eye movement (REM), as its basis. Using the REM eye movement pattern, troubling memories are accessed and reprocessed by the brain. This helps you heal traumatic memories so that you can experience a more peaceful state. EMDR does not cause people to forget disturbing memories or events. Instead, it enables you to experience them with less distress.

EMDR effectively treats trauma from extreme experiences – such as a debilitating car accident or sexual abuse. In addition, it helps with everyday problems that could range from public speaking to a fear of spiders. You can also receive EMDR treatment to address memories that create low self-esteem, poor body image, feelings of powerlessness, and more.

"Trauma creates change you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose."
-Michelle Rosenthal


Introduction Video

How I Use EMDR in My California Therapy Practice

How I Use EMDR in My Practice

I use EMDR in my practice to treat a wide range of issues. I also have a special interest in using EMDR to treat:

  • Birth trauma

  • NICU distress or trauma

  • Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

  • Stillbirth/Infant loss

  • Pregnancy termination

  • Pregnancy or childbirth anxiety

  • Postpartum anxiety and depression

  • Issues related to Infertility

  • Adoption related concerns

How can EMDR help following a birth?

There are several specific areas where EMDR can help women after childbirth.

How can EMDR Help following a birth


Women who have a NICU baby can also benefit from EMDR. Research indicates that up to 70 percent of NICU moms suffer from post-traumatic stress. Sometimes, women experience traumatic-stress symptoms while their baby is still in the hospital. For others, symptoms emerge after the baby is home. If left untreated, these post-traumatic symptoms can last for many years.

By reprocessing the traumatic memories of your baby’s NICU stay, you can recover from the trauma and move forward with less anxiety and more confidence about parenting and life in general.

Birth Trauma

EMDR can be particularly effective in treating a mother’s post-traumatic stress symptoms following a traumatic birth. Research shows that one in four mothers considers there birth to be traumatic or disempowering. Women may view their birth as traumatic even if their life, and the life of their baby, were not in danger. What is important is the woman’s perception of danger, and this can have lasting effects.

For example, medical practitioners may view a routine episiotomy or c-section as uncomplicated. However, the mother could view it as a profound violation associated with powerlessness or a loss of dignity. Whether EMDR is used immediately following a traumatic birth or many years later, women report that the experience feels significantly less distressing after treatment.

Postpartum Issues

Though initially developed as a trauma treatment, EMDR is now widely recognized as an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Therefore, EMDR can be very effective when used during postpartum counseling sessions.

Using EMDR for postpartum depression and anxiety not only helps women to feel better, but it also benefits the baby. A mom who has invested in her own mental health is able to devote attention to her baby in a way that promotes healthy mother/child attachment and bonding.

Can EMDR be used during a pregnancy?

Yes! EMDR is used during pregnancy to help women who are experiencing anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress symptoms. Because a woman’s mental health problems can impact the fetus during pregnancy, EMDR positively affects both the woman and her baby. EMDR can be especially effective in treating women with anxiety about childbirth, and women with previous sexual trauma, or trauma related to pregnancy or infant loss, who are triggered during pregnancy.

Anxiety about Childbirth

It is common for women to have fears and concerns about childbirth. For some women, the idea of giving birth creates significant distress. Women might experience symptoms such as panic and anxiety, thoughts of death and dying, recurrent nightmares, sweating, and shaking. EMDR can help women reduce the intensity of their anxiety so that they can feel better and have a healthy pregnancy.

History of Prior Trauma

For women who have experienced prior sexual trauma, or trauma related to pregnancy or infant loss, the road to motherhood may be colored by flashbacks, fear, and anxiety. Doctor’s appointments, invasive procedures, and the nature of pregnancy itself may trigger women and bring up negative memories and intense feelings. EMDR can be helpful for targeting past trauma so that women can feel well during their pregnancy and following birth.


Is EMDR helpful for women dealing with: infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, or adoption?


Yes, EMDR can help women in all of these contexts.

Is EMDR helpful for women dealing with: infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, or adoption?


Struggling with infertility can cause anxiety and stress for many women. Whether it is anxiety about invasive medical procedures and treatments, fears about treatment outcomes or how to proceed, fears about using a donor or surrogate, or generally feeling out of control, EMDR can reduce anxiety for women who are dealing with infertility. This enables women to make clear decisions and to feel calmer during this stressful and unpredictable time.


Experiencing a miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, or loss of an infant can be devastating and traumatic. The pain and grief women experience may feel unbearable, but EMDR can help women through this extremely difficult time. EMDR does not take away people’s sadness. However, it can reduce feelings of guilt, and help women reprocess their memories in a way that lessens symptoms of post-traumatic stress. It can also help reduce anxiety about future pregnancies, enabling women to move forward.


EMDR is useful for several types of adoption situations. It can be used with adoptive moms who are disappointed about not being able to conceive or who are experiencing anxiety about adopting. It can also be effective for moms who were themselves adopted. Sometimes, when these women become pregnant or have a child, feelings about their own adoption are triggered. They may experience feelings of confusion or rejection, and EMDR can help them feel more settled and confident about their own identity and about being a mother themselves.

Contact me today to get started with EMDR therapy.

I am a trained EMDR therapist, approved by EMDRIA, the association that governs EMDR practitioners across the world. I also have extensive, specialized training and experience in treating women with issues related to reproductive mental health. My areas of specialization include infertility and loss, pregnancy and postpartum challenges, traumatic childbirth and more.

I love using EMDR to help women with reproductive challenges. I find it incredibly rewarding to see the significant impact EMDR has on women in a relatively short time-frame. I hope you will contact me to learn more about how EMDR might help you. You can also visit www.emdr.com for more information about EMDR therapy and outcomes.